Awen Cultural Trust, in partnership with Bridgend County Borough Council, are proud to support the development of a new play – Price of Change – which will be showcased at Blaengarw Workmen’s Hall this autumn.

The play, which has been written by Vic Mills of Contemporancient Theatre, with poetry by Professor Kevin Mills and an original score by Stephen J Preston, tells the story of Dr Richard Price of Llangeinor.

Price became Wales’s greatest ever thinker, a hugely significant moral philosopher and mathematician, who had a great impact on world political events in the 18th century, most importantly American Independence and the French Revolution. His mathematical work made a significant contribution to probability theory, which underpins Artificial Intelligence.

The play also tells the story of Cari, a young woman who lives in the Garw Valley in an imagined near future, with Wales about to vote on its own independence, as she turns to Price for inspiration as a new day dawns for Wales.

Price of Change will be performed at Blaengarw Workmen’s Hall on Saturday 30th September, Friday 6th October and Saturday 7th October. There will also be a number of school performances.

Click here to purchase tickets.